Ontology-enhanced search
Site Search 360 e-commerce search delivers highly relevant and accurate results out of the box thanks to our custom-built ontology (knowledge graph), enhanced by an AI engine and fine-tuned by our Knowledge Engineering team. Your product data is analyzed semantically which means that every item is classified and mapped to the respective nodes in the category-tree structure of the Site Search 360 ontology. This process enriches your data with synonyms, hyperonym-hyponym relationships between the terms as well as product vs product accessory hierarchy. On top of that, the ontology contains thousands of predefined attributes such as colors, models, sizes (with units), etc., also organized by category.
When we index your site and product catalog, our AI engine extracts all attributes known to the system, normalizes and clusters your data so the corresponding nodes in the ontology, just like neurons, get activated. And when your Site Search 360 AI brain is presented with a search query, named-entity recognition (NER) takes place, categorization is applied, and the semantic intent of the searcher is resolved.